NEW Create multi-question surveys with Simple Poll in Slack 🙌Learn more

Simple, native polls right within Slack

Get your colleagues' thoughts in minutes, not in the next meeting. All right in Slack.

Add to Slack

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Users voting on a poll on: How likely do you think it is that we accomplish our quartlery goals?

Native polls

All polls are native in Slack, so your colleagues can cast their votes instantly. Try creating a poll by copy-pasting the /poll command below

/poll "Which days work for you for the team dinner?" "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday"


Anonymous polls

Hide who voted for which options with anonymous polls

/poll "How likely do you think it is that we accomplish our quarterly goals?" "Very unlikely" "Somewhat unlikely" "Neutral" "Somewhat likely" "Very likely" anonymous


Anonymous Poll
Poll with limited votes per person

Limit votes

Want to allow only one vote per person? Use the `limit` keyword

/poll "From the designs posted above, which is your favourite?" "Single column with sidebar" "Single column without sidebar" "Double column" "Full width" limit 1


Recurring polls

Set up polls to post automatically every day, every week, or every month to fit your team's workflow

Getting started with recurring polls

recurring poll

Thousands of teams use Simple Poll every day to make better and more collaborative decisions

“Since joining Simple Poll Business we’re able to run polls to take a health check of team happiness, which is really important for us.”

Jon Topper


The Scale Factory

“Simple Poll lets us get quick feedback from our partners all over the world and helps us make the right decisions. It's the simplest thing in the world.”

Quinn Richter

Head of Minecraft Partner Program


“Simple Poll is an indispensible app for me to solicit and respond to my students’ feedback. I am a better professor because of it.”

Phil Simon


Arizone State University

“Simple Poll has come in super handy for us at Lucidworks. We love the simplicity of it and how quickly we can create a poll in Slack.”

Bobby Kingsberry

Director of Global Information Technology



Create multi-question surveys with Simple Poll
